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Please sign and share the petition 'Tighten regulation on taking, making and faking explicit images' at Change.org initiated by Helen Mort to the w:Law Commission (England and Wales) to properly update UK laws against synthetic filth. Only name and email required to support, no nationality requirement. See Current and possible laws and their application @ #SSF! wiki for more info on the struggle for laws to protect humans.

Ban Covert Modeling! wiki has moved to Stop Synthetic Filth! wiki

How to protect yourself and others from covert modeling

From Ban Covert Modeling! wiki
Revision as of 12:10, 13 April 2019 by Juho Kunsola (talk | contribs) (enlarged the burqa pic)
"I feel pretty confident that mister photograph man will not be selling any of my data to the no camera scene." ~ Honestly made up quote
If your whole industry's shared secret is that digital look-alikes are going to pass human testing (i.e. people in the delusion that they are seeing images of humans) then popular culture product such as w:The Matrix will appear. It is widely known that meetings of surfaces, especially soft ones are very very difficult to do convincingly. Look-alikes of eyes meeting look-alikes of eye-lids are additionally hard to do, because there is also a liquid phase in the equation. (Juboxi)

Sunglasses or sun glasses (informally called shades) are a form of w:protective eyewear designed primarily to prevent bright w:sunlight and w:high-energy visible light from damaging or discomforting the eyes. (Wikipedia)
The ESPER LightCage 3D face scanning rig is a modern w:light stage. Avoid going into one of these and do not agree or be fooled having your reflectance field captured.
Some humans in w:burqas at the Bornholm burka happening

Protect your appearance from covert modeling

  • Avoid uploading facial and full body photos and video of yourself to services where they are exposed to the whole Internet.
  • If you need to upload photos, wear protective clothing, e.g. niqāb or burqa or protective accessories e.g. sunglasses.
  • Consider getting a non-photorealistic w:avatar of your liking and use pictures of it to shield your appearance.
  • Do not agree or get fooled to having your reflectance captured in a light stage.

Protect your voice from covert modeling

  • Avoid uploading unaltered recordings of your w:human voice to services where they are exposed to the whole Internet.
  • Consider altering the voice of your recordings if you must upload to the Internet with a voice changer or synthetic voice that does not match any human's voice.
  • Avoid getting recorded by parties whose identity and reliability you cannot verify, especially if they do not expressly state how, where and for what purpose they will use the recording
  • Ask for a voice changer to be applied if getting recorded to something that will be publicly broadcast

Protect your mind from the products of covert modeling

  • Teach your loved ones the 2 key media literacy skills for this age of industrial disinformation:
    1. Not everything that looks like a video of people is actually a video of people
    2. Not everything that sounds like a recording of a known human's voice is actually a recording of that person's voice.
  • Don't watch porn. A dodgy porn site or few is a hefty risk of seeing some digital look-alikes.
  • Be critical of gossip about stuff claimed seen on the Internet.

Protect others from the products of covert modeling

Ask your parliamentarians to make covert modeling a crime

  • Contact your representatives and ask them what is their position on the criminalizing covert modeling-question.
  • Ask them what, if anything, they are doing to put this hyper-modern lawlessness under some check.
  • At least ask them to talk with colleagues and also publicly about the problems caused by covert modeling.
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